
Hair Restoration in Duluth, GA

Restore Hair And Regain Confidence. Say goodbye to thinning hair.

Hair Loss Treatment at Modern Family Medicine

Hair Loss Treatment at Modern Family Medicine

Experience a transformative journey with Modern Family Medicine, specializing in state-of-the-art hair loss treatments. We are your trusted partner in regaining the hair you've lost, whether it’s due to stress, postpartum, COVID, or genetic causes. Our comprehensive hair restoration services in Duluth, GA, and the surrounding Northeast Atlanta suburbs can bring back your confidence and natural allure.

Additionally, we offer Hairestart, a laser treatment that complements our comprehensive approach to hair restoration. This cutting-edge technology stimulates hair follicles, promoting growth and thickness.

Our dedicated team understands the emotional impact of hair loss, which is why we offer personalized solutions for every individual. The practice’s expertise extends to addressing several causes of hair loss, ensuring a customized approach to meet your unique needs.

How Does PRP Work For Hair Restoration?

How Does PRP Work For Hair Restoration?

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy is a revolutionary approach to hair restoration, utilizing your body's natural healing mechanisms. PRP stimulates hair follicles by extracting factors from your blood that promote growth and thickness. The process involves several steps, including blood withdrawal, plasma separation, and targeted injection. Our expertise ensures a seamless and comfortable experience for our patients.

Who Is A Good Candidate For Plasma Hair Treatment?

Who Is A Good Candidate For Plasma Hair Treatment?

Both men and women grappling with hair loss can benefit from Plasma Hair Treatment. Whether you're experiencing thinning, receding hairlines, or patchy baldness, PRP therapy offers a non-invasive and effective solution. At Modern Family Medicine, we assess individual conditions to determine the suitability of PRP treatment, tailoring our approach to meet diverse needs.

Is PRP Treatment For Hair Painful?

Is PRP Treatment For Hair Painful?

Rest assured, PRP treatment for hair is a minimally invasive procedure with minimal discomfort. At Modern Family Medicine, we prioritize your comfort and well-being throughout the process. Our experienced practitioners employ techniques that ensure a pain-free experience, allowing you to rejuvenate your hair without unnecessary stress.

Benefits of PRP Treatment For Hair Loss

Benefits of PRP Treatment For Hair Loss

Experience the numerous benefits of PRP treatment for hair loss at Modern Family Medicine:

  • Stimulates natural hair growth
  • Improves hair thickness and volume
  • Enhances hair follicle health
  • Minimizes downtime and recovery
  • Non-surgical and minimally invasive
  • Our commitment to excellence ensures that you receive high-standard care backed by proven results.
Hair Restoration Medication Offered at Modern Family Medicine

Hair Restoration Medication Offered at Modern Family Medicine

Nutrifol, available at Modern Family Medicine, is a targeted supplement promoting hair restoration. Its unique formula enhances natural growth, strengthens follicles, and reduces hair loss by delivering essential nutrients for comprehensive and effective hair health.

Risks and Complications

Risks and Complications

While PRP treatment is generally safe, being aware of potential risks and complications is crucial. Modern Family Medicine prioritizes transparency by guiding you through the process and addressing any concerns. Our experienced team ensures your safety and well-being throughout the hair restoration journey.

When Will You See The Result

When Will You See The Result?

Patience is vital, as visible results from PRP treatment for hair loss may take several weeks to months. Factors such as individual response, treatment frequency, and the underlying cause of hair loss influence the timeline. At Modern Family Medicine, we provide realistic expectations and continuous support as you await the transformative outcomes.

Get Customized Treatment With Modern Family Medicine

Get Customized Treatment With Modern Family Medicine

Transform your hair restoration journey with Modern Family Medicine's personalized approach.

We offer:

  • Triple Board Certified Physician: Trust in the expertise of our qualified professionals.
  • Leading-edge Technology: Utilizing the latest advancements in hair restoration.
  • Immediate Visibility: Receive prompt attention without unnecessary delays.
  • State-of-the-Art Office: Experience comfort and modern facilities.
  • Convenient Location: Accessible and centrally located for your convenience.

Our commitment is to deliver customized solutions that align with your unique hair restoration needs.

Schedule a Consultation Today

Take the first step towards restoring your hair and regaining confidence by contacting Modern Family Medicine today. Schedule a personalized consultation for a tailored approach to your unique needs and start your journey towards natural beauty.

Schedule a Consultation Today


PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) has shown promising results in stimulating hair regrowth. Submitting concentrated platelets into the scalp triggers natural hair growth and promotes healthier hair follicles.

The duration of PRP hair restoration results varies among individuals. In most cases, noticeable improvements can be observed within a few weeks to months after treatment. Maintenance sessions may be recommended to sustain the effects.

PRP is generally considered safe, with minimal risks. However, some individuals may experience mild swelling or bruising at the injection site. Adverse reactions are rare, and our experienced team at Modern Family Medicine prioritizes safety and addresses concerns.

PRP injections are minimally invasive and generally well-tolerated. Patients may experience mild discomfort or a slight pinch during the process. Modern Family Medicine prioritizes your comfort and uses techniques to minimize discomfort.

Recovery time after PRP hair loss treatment is minimal. Most individuals can resume their daily activities immediately after the procedure. It's advised to avoid vigorous activities and direct sunlight for a short period following treatment.

PRP is effective for individuals experiencing hair loss or thinning at various ages. There's no specific age limit for PRP treatment. Our team at Modern Family Medicine assesses each case individually to determine the most suitable approach.

While PRP is generally safe, individuals with certain medical conditions, blood disorders, or those on specific medications may not be suitable candidates. Our team conducts thorough assessments to ensure the safety and effectiveness of PRP treatment for each individual.

The timeline for visible hair growth after PRP treatment varies. Patients may start noticing improvements with continued enhancement within a few weeks to months. The speed of results depends on factors such as individual response and the underlying cause of hair loss. Regular follow-ups may be recommended for optimal outcomes.